Leave it to Beavers (Nature/PBS): Amazon Prime Video
In Beaver Valley (Disney): Disney+
Rocky Mountain Beaver Pond (National Geographic): YouTube
Dam Beavers (National Geographic): Dailymotion
Awesome Animals - Beaver (National Geographic Kids): YouTube
The Beavers of the River Otter (BBC): YouTube
Beavers: The Master Builders (BBC): YouTube
Valley of the Beavers (Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom): YouTube Part 1, Part 2
The Incredible Hulik and His Beavers: YouTube
Beavers in Munich: YouTube
Beaver - Back to the Future: Website
Fur For The Future - Idaho’s Parachuting Beavers: YouTube
The Beaver Believers: Website
Beaver Institute (Massachusetts): Website
Beaver Solutions (Massachusetts): Website
Beaver Deceivers (Vermont): Website
Beaver & Wildlife Solutions (Connecticut): Website
Beavers: Wetlands & Wildlife (New York): Website
Ecotone Inc. (Maryland): Website
Human-Beaver Coexistence Fund (Maryland/Virginia/West Virginia/Washington DC): Website
Beaver Leavers (Michigan): Website
Illinois Beaver Alliance: Website
Midwest Beaver Management (Illinois): Website
Superior Bio-Conservancy (Minnesota/Wisconsin/Michigan): Website
EcoMetrics (Colorado): Website
Watershed Guardians (Idaho): Website
Occidental Arts & Ecology Center (California): Website
Sierra Wildlife Coalition (California): Website
SLO Beaver Brigade (California): Website
Symbiotic Restoration (California): Website
Worth A Dam (California): Website
Beaver Works Oregon: Website
Project Beaver (Oregon): Website
Western Beavers Cooperative (Oregon): Website
Beavers Northwest (Washington): Website
Methow Beaver Project (Washington): Website
Wenatchee-Entiat Beaver Project (Washington): Facebook
Humane Solutions (British Columbia): Website
Scottish Wild Beaver Group: Website
Beaver Trust (Great Britain): Website
Cornwall Wildlife Trust (Great Britain): Website
Devon Wildlife Trust (Great Britain): Website
Welsh Beaver Project: Website
Norwegian Beaver Project: Facebook
Beaver Management Forum (Worldwide): Facebook
A comparison of field and molecular techniques for sexing beaver
The Journal of Wildlife Management (2008)
A DNA assay for rapid discrimination between beaver species as a tool for alien species management
European Journal of Wildlife Research (2014)
Age determination for beavers by tooth development
The Journal of Wildlife Management (1964)
Age determination of live beaver by dental x-ray
Wildlife Society Bulletin (1992)
Ageing the beaver (Castor fiber L.): A skeletal development and life history calendar based on epiphyseal fusion
Archaeofauna (2005)
Anatomy of the tail in the beaver (Castor canadensis)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1981)
Annual cycle of patterns of activity rhythms in beaver colonies (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Comparative Physiology (1975)
Beaver (Castor fiber) activity patterns in a predator-free landscape. What is keeping them in the dark?
Mammalian Biology (2015)
Biomechanical aspects of incisor action of beavers
Journal of Mammalogy (2016)
Cellulose digestion in the beaver (castor canadensis)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1960)
Correlates of body measurements and age in Eurasian beaver from Norway
European Journal of Wildlife Research (2009)
Countercurrent blood vessel arrangement in beaver (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Morphology (1979)
Energy metabolism and thermoregulation of beaver (Castor canadensis)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1989)
Energy requirements of beavers (Castor canadensis) swimming underwater
Physiological Zoology (1997)
Environmental seasonality and incremental growth rates of beaver (Castor canadensis) incisors: implications for palaeobiology
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (2004)
Free-running circadian activity rhythms in free-living beaver (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Comparative Physiology (1974)
Genetic variation and population structure of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber in Eastern Europe and Asia
Journal of Mammalogy (2005)
Hypsodontia in Castor canadensis: an anatomical and histological study
Morphologie (2006)
Intraspecific variability of beaver teeth (Castoridae: Rodentia)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (2009)
Masticatory muscle anatomy and feeding efficiency of the American Beaver, Castor canadensis
Journal of Mammalian Evolution (2016)
Over-winter activity and body temperature patterns in northern beaver
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1991)
Seasonal change in body mass and size of tail of northern beavers
Journal of Mammalogy (1997)
Seasonal patterns of body temperature and activity in free-ranging beaver (Castor canadensis)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2011)
Seasonal variations of the digestive tract of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber
Mammal Research (2017)
Seasonal, diel, and ontogenetic patterns of within-den behavior in beavers (Castor canadensis)
Mammalian Biology (2011)
Self-grooming and social grooming in the North American beaver, Castor canadensis
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1984)
Sex difference in behaviour of beavers living in near-boreal lake habitat
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1995)
The winter bioenergetics of a beaver population in northern latitudes
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1967)
Thermoregulatory importance of the beaver’s tail
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (1965)
Time budgets and sex differences in the Eurasian Beaver
Animal Behaviour (2002)
Use of anal gland secretion to distinguish the two beaver species Castor canadensis and C. fiber
Wildlife Biology (1999)
Winter activity patterns of two radio-marked beaver colonies
Journal of Mammalogy (1982)
A size-distance relation in food selection by beavers
Ecology (1980)
An extensive study of the foraging ecology of beavers (Castor canadensis) in relation to habitat quality
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2004)
Beaver food cache structure and utilization
The Journal of Wildlife Management (1978)
Beaver foraging behaviour: Seasonal foraging specialization by a choosy generalist herbivore
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2015)
Beaver herbivory on aquatic plants
Oecologia (2007)
Beavers and lilies: selective herbivory and adaptive foraging behaviour
Freshwater Biology (2014)
Beavers, castor canadensis, feeding on salmon carcasses: opportunistic use of a seasonally superabundant food source
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (2005)
Effect of watercourse characteristics on food-caching behaviour by European beaver, Castor fiber
Animal Behaviour (2004)
Evaluation of tree and shrub resources of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber L.) and changes in beaver foraging strategy after resources depletion
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions (2014)
Factors influencing forage selection by the North American beaver (Castor canadensis)
Mammalian Biology (2013)
Feeding habits of reintroduced Eurasian beaver: Spatial and seasonal variation in the use of food resources
Journal of Zoology (2010)
Food caching behavior of beavers (Castor canadensis): selection and use of woody species
The American Midland Naturalist (1996)
Food selection by beavers: a multidimensional contingency table analysis
Oecologia (1975)
Foods consumed by beavers in Crawford County, Pennsylvania
The Journal of Wildlife Management (1962)
Foraging decisions of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) are shaped by energy constraints and predation risk
Mammal Research Institute (2017)
Influences of predation risk and energy maximization on food selection by beavers (Castor canadensis)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1995)
Linking time budgets to habitat quality suggests that beavers (Castor canadensis) are energy maximizers
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2016)
Ontogeny and diurnal cycle of fecal reingestion in the North American Beaver (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Mammalogy (1984)
Possible tool use by beavers, Castor canadensis, in a Northern Ontario watershed
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (2005)
Provisioning time and central-place foraging in beavers
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1991)
Simulated winter browsing may lead to induced susceptibility of willows to beavers in spring
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2006)
Size of food caches as a predictor of beaver colony size
Wildlife Society Bulletin (1993)
Summer diet optimization by beaver
The American Midland Naturalist (1984)
The effects of high ungulate densities on foraging choices by beaver (Castor canadensis) in the mixed-wood boreal forest
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2008)
The importance of aquatic vegetation in beaver diets and the seasonal and habitat specificity of aquatic‐terrestrial ecosystem linkages in a subarctic environment
Oikos (2010)
The seasonal food regime of arctic beavers
Ecology (1970)
The winter metabolic depression in Arctic beavers (Castor canadensis Kuhl) with comparisons to California beavers
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2011)
Winter food caches of beavers Castor fiber in NE Poland
Acta Theriologica (2002)
Age-specific reproduction in relation to body size and condition in female Eurasian beavers
Journal of Zoology (2017)
Composition and demographics of beaver (Castor canadensis) colonies in Central Illinois
The American Midland Naturalist (2003)
Costs of reproduction in introduced female Canadian beavers (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Zoology (2000)
Couch potatoes do better: Delayed dispersal and territory size affect the duration of territory occupancy in a monogamous mammal
Ecology and Evolution (2017)
Dispersal and survival of juvenile beavers (castor canadensis) in Southern Illinois
The American Midland Naturalist (2004)
Dispersal pattern and effective population size of the beaver
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2000)
Dispersal patterns of juvenile beavers in western Montana
University of Montana (1991)
Genetic relationships within colonies suggest genetic monogamy in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)
Mammal Research (2015)
Lactating North American beavers (Castor canadensis) sharing dens in the southwestern United States
The Southwestern Naturalist (2010)
Microsatellite analysis of mating and kinship in beavers (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Mammalogy (2008)
Pair formation, duration of pair-bonds, and mate replacement in a population of beavers (Castor canadensis)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1989)
Sibling recognition in the beaver: a field test for phenotype matching
Animal Behaviour (1997)
The 7-year itch: non-adaptive mate change in the Eurasian beaver
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2017)
The social role of scent marking in beaver (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Chemical Ecology (1980)
Transition to independence by subadult beavers (Castor canadensis) in an unexploited, exponentially growing population
Journal of Zoology (2006)
Use of space and movement patterns in monogamous adult Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber)
Journal of Zoology (2004)
When to leave: the timing of natal dispersal in a large, monogamous rodent, the Eurasian beaver
Animal Behaviour (2016)
A test of the dear enemy phenomenon in the Eurasian beaver
Animal Behaviour (2002)
Anal gland secretion codes for relatedness in the beaver, Castor canadensis
Ethology (1998)
Beaver response to recurrent alien scents: scent fence or scent match?
Animal Behaviour (1998)
Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) behavioral response to simulated territorial intruders
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2000)
Factors affecting scent-marking behavior in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)
Journal of Chemical Ecology (1997)
Odorant source used in Eurasian beaver territory marking
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2001)
Patterns of scent-mounding in a population of beaver (Castor canadensis)
Journal of Chemical Ecology (1980)
Pheromonal activity of single castoreum constituents in beaver, Castor canadensis
Journal of Chemical Ecology (1991)
Potential risks of olfactory signaling: the effect of predators on scent marking by beavers
Behavioral Ecology (2006)
Predator cues reduce American beaver use of foraging trails
Human-Wildlife Interactions (2011)
Resident beavers (Castor canadensis) do not discriminate between castoreum scent marks from simulated adult and subadult male intruders
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2006)
Responses of beaver (Castor canadensis Kuhl) to predator chemicals
Journal of Chemical Ecology (1995)
Responses of foraging Eurasian beavers Castor fiber to predator odours
Wildlife Biology (2000)
Scent marking and responses to male castor fluid by beavers
Journal of Mammalogy (1998)
Scent-marking in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) as a means of territory defense
Journal of Chemical Ecology (1998)
Scent-mound communication, territoriality, and population regulation in beaver (Castor canadensis Kuhl)
Journal of Mammalogy (1968)
Seasonal variation in the home range size of the Eurasian beaver: do patterns vary across habitats?
Mammal Research (2016)
Sexual dimorphism in the development of scent structures for the obligate monogamous Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)
Journal of Mammalogy (2004)
Species and sub-species recognition in the North American beaver
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates (2005)
Subspecies discrimination in the Scandinavian beaver (Castor fiber): combining behavioural and chemical evidence
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2004)
Territoriality and time budgets in beavers during sequential settlement
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1994)
Territory and group sizes in Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber): echoes of settlement and reproduction?
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2005)
Territory size and age explain movement patterns in the Eurasian beaver
Mammalian Biology (2016)
The smell of desperadoes? Beavers distinguish between dominant and subordinate intruders
Behavioral Ecology (2013)
Tool-use in a display behaviour by Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber)
Animal Cognition (2007)
A land capability classification system for beaver
Simon Fraser University (1976)
An unusual beaver (Castor canadensis) lodge in a Louisiana coastal marsh
Southeastern Naturalist (2015)
Beaver canals and their environmental effects
Progress in Physical Geography (2019)
Beaver-dredged canals and their spatial relationship to beaver-cut stumps
Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science (2013)
Comparative characterization of the building activity of Canadian and European beavers in Northern European Russia
Russian Journal of Ecology (2015)
Dam-site selection by beavers in an Eastern Oregon basin
The Great Basin Naturalist (1990)
Differences in habitat use between the native Eurasian beaver and the invasive North American beaver in Finland
Biological Invasions (2019)
Directional tree felling by beavers (castor canadensis)
Northwestern Naturalist (2004)
Environmental factors influencing beaver dam locations
The Journal of Wildlife Management (2018)
Habitat and forage selection by the American beaver (Castor canadensis) on a regulated river in the Chihuahuan Desert
The Southwestern Naturalist (2016)
Habitat factors influencing beaver dam establishment in a Northern Ontario watershed
The Journal of Wildlife Management (1997)
Habitat selection of the Eurasian beaver(Castor fiber) near its carrying capacity: an example from Norway
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2009)
Habitat suitability and source-sink dynamics of beavers
Journal of Animal Ecology (2001)
Mobility of settlements and elements of the biological signaling field of beavers (Castor fiber) in the basin of the Tadenka River
Biology Bulletin (2016)
Not all ponds are created equal: long-term beaver (Castor canadensis) lodge occupancy in a heterogeneous landscape
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2020)
Observations on a Montana beaver canal
Journal of Mammalogy (1923)
Restricted cross-scale habitat selection by American beavers
Current Zoology (2017)
Seasonal variation in the microclimate and gas composition of beaver lodges in a boreal environment
Journal of Mammalogy (1993)
Signatures of self-assembly in size distributions of wood members in dam structures of Castor canadensis
Global Ecology and Conservation (2014)
Sizes of wood cuttings handled by beavers
The American Midland Naturalist (1954)
Temperature in beaver lodges and bank dens in a near-boreal environment
Canadian Journal of Zoology (1989)
Temperatures within a beaver lodge in winter
Journal of Mammalogy (1969)
The importance of spatial scale in habitat selection by European beaver
Ecography (2018)
The orientation of beavers (Castor canadensis) when cutting trees
The Ohio Journal of Science (2003)
Unusual beaver, castor canadensis, dams in Central Yukon
The Canadian Field-Naturalist
Using beaver works to estimate colony activity in boreal landscapes
The Journal of Wildlife Management (2015)
Where beavers (Castor canadensis) build: testing the influence of habitat quality, predation risk, and anthropogenic disturbance on colony occurrence
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2018)
A comparison of riparian plant community response to herbivory by beavers (Castor canadensis) and ungulates in Canada's boreal mixed-wood forest
Forest Ecology and Management (2009)
Agonistic interactions between river otters and beavers: an observation and review
IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin (2008)
Alteration of North American streams by beaver: the structure and dynamics of streams are changing as beaver recolonize their historic habitat
BioScience (1988)
Amphibian and reptile communities associated with beaver (Castor canadensis) ponds and unimpounded streams in the Piedmont of South Carolina
Journal of Freshwater Ecology (1999)
An ecosystem engineer, the beaver, increases species richness at the landscape scale
Oecologia (2002)
Beaver (Castor canadensis) mitigate the effects of climate on the area of open water in boreal wetlands in western Canada
Biological Conservation (2008)
Beaver assisted river valley formation
River Research and Applications (2011)
Beaver dams and overbank floods influence groundwater–surfacewater interactions of a Rocky Mountain riparian area
Water Resources Research (2006)
Beaver dams maintain fish biodiversity by increasing habitat heterogeneity throughout a low-gradient stream network
Freshwater Biology (2013)
Beaver in tidal marshes: dam effects on low-tide channel pools and fish use of estuarine habitat
Society of Wetland Scientists (2012)
Beaver influences on the long-term biogeochemical characteristics of boreal forest drainage networks
Ecology (1994)
Beaver ponds as habitat of amphibian communities in a central European highland
Amphibia-Reptilia (2007)
Beaver-created deadwood dynamics in the boreal forest
Forest Ecology and Management (2016)
Beaver-created habitat heterogeneity influences aquatic invertebrate assemblages in boreal Canada
Wetlands (2014)
Beaver-mediated lateral hydrologic connectivity, fluvial carbon and nutrient flux, and aquatic ecosystem metabolism
Water Resources Research (2017)
Beavers (Castor canadensis) facilitate early access by Canada geese (Branta canadensis) to nesting habitat and areas of open water in Canada's boreal wetlands
Mammalian Biology (2013)
Beavers are partners in riparian restoration on the Zuni Indian Reservation
Ecological Restoration (2000)
Browse selection by beaver: effects on riparian forest composition
Canadian Journal of Forest Research (1990)
Can beaver impact promote river renaturalization? The example of the Raba River, southern Poland
Science of The Total Environment (2018)
Characteristics of beaver ponds on deltas in a mountain environment
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2012)
Ecological engineering and aquatic connectivity: a new perspective from beaver-modified wetlands
Freshwater Biology (2014)
Ecological impact of beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis and their ability to modify ecosystems
Mammal Review (2005)
Ecosystem alteration of boreal forest streams by beaver (castor canadensis)
Ecology (1986)
Ecosystem experiment reveals benefits of natural and simulated beaver dams to a threatened population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Scientific Reports (2016)
Ecosystem pioneers: beaver dispersal and settlement site selection in the context of habitat restoration
Montana State University (2018)
Effect of beaver dams on the hydrology of small mountain streams: Example from the Chevral in the Ourthe Orientale basin, Ardennes, Belgium
Journal of Hydrology (2011)
Effects of beaver dams on the fish fauna of forest streams
Forest Ecology and Management (1999)
Eurasian beaver activity increases water storage, attenuates flow and mitigates diffuse pollution from intensively-managed grasslands
Science of The Total Environment (2017)
Geomorphic changes upstream of beaver dams in Bridge Creek, an incised stream channel in the interior Columbia River basin, eastern Oregon
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2007)
Giardia in beaver (Castor canadensis) and nutria (Myocastor coypus) from East Texas
The Journal of Parasitology (2002)
Habitat engineering by beaver benefits aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem processes in agricultural streams
Freshwater Biology (2016)
Impacts of pollutants on beavers and otters with implications for ecosystem ramifications
Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education (2016)
Indirect interactions mediated by changing plant chemistry: beaver browsing benefits beetles
Ecology (1998)
Influence of beaver dam density on riparian areas and riparian birds in shrubsteppe of Wyoming
Western North American Naturalist (2008)
Interaction of beaver and elk herbivory reduces standing crop of willow
Ecological Applications (2005)
Kill rates and predation rates of wolves on beavers
Journal of Wildlife Management (2018)
Landscape-scale carbon storage associated with beaver dams
Geophysical Research Letters (2013)
Linking aquatic and terrestrial environments: can beaver canals serve as movement corridors for pond-breeding amphibians?
Animal Conservation (2014)
Otter and beaver interactions in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (1999)
Patterns of beaver colonization and wetland change in Acadia National Park
Northeastern Naturalist (2006)
Patterns of vegetation and soil properties in a beaver‑created wetland located on the Coastal Plain of Virginia
Landscape and Ecological Engineering (2018)
Pond-breeding amphibian species richness and habitat selection in a beaver-modified landscape
The Journal of Wildlife Management (2007)
Sediment and nutrient storage in a beaver engineered wetland
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2018)
Smokey the beaver: beaver‐dammed riparian corridors stay green during wildfire throughout the western USA
Ecological Applications (2020)
The beaver meadow complex revisited – the role of beavers in post-glacial floodplain development
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2011)
The forgotten prey of an iconic predator: a review of interactions between grey wolves Canis lupus and beavers Castor spp.
Mammal Review (2018)
The general ecology of beavers (Castor spp.), as related to their influence on stream ecosystems and riparian habitats, and the subsequent effects on fish - A review
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (2000)
The geomorphic influences of beaver dams and failures of beaver dams
Geomorphology (2005)
The impact of beavers' (Castor fiber L.) lodges on vascular plant species diversity in forest landscape
Polish Journal of Ecology (2011)
Tundra be dammed: beaver colonization of the Arctic
Global Change Biology (2018)
Unequal summer use of beaver ponds by river otters: influence of beaver activity, pond size, and vegetation cover
Canadian Journal of Zoology (2007)
Within-lodge interactions between two ecosystem engineers, beavers (Castor canadensis) and muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus)
Behaviour (2013)
A synergistic trio of invasive mammals? Facilitative interactions among beavers, muskrats, and mink at the southern end of the Americas
Biological Invasions (2016)
Aspen and willow restoration using beaver on the Northern Yellowstone Winter Range
Restoration Ecology (2011)
Beaver habitat selection for 24 yr since reintroduction north of Yellowstone National Park
Rangeland Ecology & Management (2018)
Captive care and welfare considerations for beavers
Zoo Biology (2015)
Conservation of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber : an olfactory perspective
Mammal Review (2010)
Ecology, management, and conservation implications of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) in dryland streams
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (2014)
Effects of prescribed fire on habitat of beaver (Castor canadensis) in Elk Island National Park, Canada
Forest Ecology and Management (2007)
Emulating riverine landscape controls of beaver in stream restoration
Fisheries (2012)
Habitat features affecting beaver occupancy along roadsides in New York State
Journal of Wildlife Management (2004)
Invasive species and carbon flux: the case of invasive beavers (Castor canadensis) in riparian Nothofagus forests of Tierradel Fuego, Chile
Climatic Change (2019)
Mitigating human-beaver conflicts through adaptive management
University of Alberta (2015)
Mitigating infrastructure loss from beaver flooding: a cost–benefit analysis
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (2017)
Modeling intrinsic potential for beaver (Castor canadensis) habitat to inform restoration and climate change adaptation
PLoS ONE (2018)
Modeling the capacity of riverscapes to support beaver dams
Geomorphology (2015)
Modelling Eurasian beaver foraging habitat and dam suitability, for predicting the location and number of dams throughout catchments in Great Britain
European Journal of Wildlife Research (2020)
Predicting potential beaver dam sites on Lake Superior's North Shore
University of Minnesota Duluth (2020)
Recovery and status of native and introduced beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis in France and neighbouring countries
Mammal Review (2011)
Reintegrating the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) in the urban landscape
WIREs Water (2018)
Reintroduced Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber): colonization and range expansion across human dominated landscapes
Biodiversity and Conservation (2017)
Reintroducing the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber to Scotland
Mammal Review (2018)
Solving beaver flooding problems through the use of water flow control devices
Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference (2006)
Status of the North American beaver invasion in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago
PLoS ONE (2020)
Survey of beaver-related restoration practices in rangeland streams of the Western USA
Environmental Management (2018)
The beaver’s reconquest of Eurasia: status, population development and management of a conservation success
Mammal Review (2002)
The evolution of flow devices used to reduce flooding by beavers: a review
Wildlife Society Bulletin (2014)
The genetic legacy of multiple beaver reintroductions in Central Europe
PLoS ONE (2014)
The historical range of beaver (Castor canadensis) in coastal California: an updated review of the evidence
California Fish and Game (2013)
The impacts of beavers Castor spp. on biodiversity and the ecological basis for their reintroduction to Scotland, UK
Mammal Review (2016)
The river discontinuum: applying beaver modifications to baseline conditions for restoration of forested headwaters
BioScience (2010)
Unravelling perceptions of Eurasian beaver reintroduction in Great Britain
Area (2019)
Using beaver dams to restore incised stream ecosystems
BioScience (2014)
Willow (Salixspp.) and aspen (Populus tremula) regrowth after felling by the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber): implications for riparian woodland conservation in Scotland
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (2009)